"Sonic the Hedgehog", is the new BC-lensed, live-action adventure comedy feature produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures, based on the video game franchise published by Sega, directed by Jeff Fowler, starring Ben Schwartz as the voice of 'Sonic the Hedgehog', with James Marsden, Tika Sumpter, Natasha Rothwell, Neal McDonough and Adam Pally, opening February 14, 2020:
"...'Tom Wachowski', a 'San Francisco Police Department' officer-turned-newly appointed 'Sheriff' of 'Green Hills', Montana, journeys from Green Hills to San Francisco to assist 'Sonic', an anthropomorphic extraterrestrial blue hedgehog who can run at incredible speeds, in evading capture by the government, collecting his rings, and defeating the insane scientist 'Doctor Robotnik'..."
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