Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"Turok": Prehistory Meets Science Fiction...

with Daryl Anselmo, Jason Buchwitz, Brett Pascal, Mike Perzel & Steve Wrinch

Wednesday - March 5
6:30 pm: Networking, Game Play, Sculpture Display, etc.
7:30 pm: Main Presentation

Vancouver International Film Centre
Vancity Theatre
1181 Seymour St. @ Davie

"...Join the development team from Propaganda Games as they take us through the process of creating the art, design, animation and technology of Turok, their recently released HD remake of the classic dinosaur hunting game. Some amazing sculptures of the dinosaurs will be on display in the atrium. Consoles will also be set up for some frightening game play. Brrr!!! Come in early and have a look..."