The episode featured the return of Canadian actress Laura Vandervoort as 'Kara', with 4.6 million total viewers and the show's best performance in Adults 18-34 and Adults 18-49 for the current Season 8 run.
'Clark' (Tom Welling) receives a package containing a crystal that 'Tess' (Cassidy Freeman) found in the Arctic. When he removes the crystal, it sends him and 'Lois' (Erica Durance) to the 'Phantom Zone' where they meet up with 'Kara' aka 'Supergirl' (Laura Vandervoort).
Kara opens a portal for Lois to return but 'Faora', the wife of 'Zod' takes over Lois' body and goes on a rampage through the city of 'Metropolis'...