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"Syfy" (previously known as the Sci Fi Channel) has set an airdate for the Vancouver-lensed, "Battlestar Galactica" TV series prequel "Caprica", as Friday, January 22, 2010, kicking off with a 2-hour premiere and airing regularly on subsequent Fridays @ 10 PM.
"...Humanity's storyline takes completely new twists with 'Caprica', which follows two rival families and their patriarchs – Daniel Graystone (Eric Stoltz) and Joseph Adama (Esai Morales) – as they compete and thrive in the vibrant realm of the 12 Colonies, a society recognizably close to our own. This original, standalone series will feature the passion, intrigue, political backbiting, and family conflict in an omnipotent society that is at the height of its blind power and glory…and, unknowingly, on the brink of its fall..."
"Caprica" also stars actors Paula Malcomson ('Amanda Graystone'), Polly Walker ('Sister Clarice Willow'), Magda Apanowicz ('Lacy') and Alessandra Torresani (Zoe Graystone).
The series is from Universal Cable Productions and is executive produced by David Eick and Jane Espenson.
Jeffrey "Friday Night Lights" Reiner directed the pilot...