Sneak Peek footage from the next episode of The CW's "Arrow", titled "Draw Back Your Bow", written by Wendy Mericle, Beth Schwartz and directed by Rob Hardy, airing November 19, 2014 on The CW:
"...'Oliver' (Stephen Amell) must stop 'Arrow'-obsessed killer 'Carrie Cutter' (Amy Gumenick), who is convinced that The Arrow is her one true love and will stop at nothing to get his attention.
"Meanwhile, 'Ray' (Brandon Routh) asks 'Felicity' (Emily Bett Rickards) to be his date for a work dinner with important clients.
"'Thea' (Willa Holland) auditions new DJs for 'Verdant' and meets 'Chase' (Austin Butler), a brash DJ with whom she immediately clashes..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Arrow: Draw Back Your Bow"...