Take a look @ new images from the upcoming "Supergirl" episode "Medusa", the first part of a 'DC Superheroes' crossover event, airing November 28, 2016 on The CW:
"...'Eliza' (Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. 'Alex' (Chyler Leigh) decides it's time to 'come out' to her mother.
"'Kara' (Melisa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests 'Mon-El' (Chris Wood) has feelings for her and 'Winn' (Jeremy Jordan) and 'James' (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the 'Guardian'.
"Meanwhile, because 'CADMUS' unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity, Kara enlists unexpected ally 'Lena Luthor' (Katie McGrath)..."
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