Season 4 of "The Flash", debuting October 4, 2017 on The CW, will introduce more DC Comics characters including 'The Elongated Man' (Hartley Sawyer), 'The Thinker' (Neil Sandilands), 'The Mechanic' (Kim Engelbrecht), 'Breacher' (Danny Trejo) and a whole lot more:
'The Elongated Man', aka 'Ralph Dibny' debuted in DC Comics' "The Flash" Vol. 1, #112 (May 12, 1960), created by writer John Broome and penciler Carmine Infantino, as a detective who loves odd mysteries.
As a teenager, Dibny was fascinated by contortionists, discovering that body-benders drank a soda derived from the 'gingo' fruit of the Yucatan. Creating his own drink, he gained elasticity powers, similar to 'Plastic Man' and 'Mr. Fantastic', aka 'Reed Richards' from Marvel's "Fantastic Four".
'The Thinker', aka 'Clifford DeVoe' debuted in DC's "All-Flash" #12, created by Gardner Fox and E.E. Hibbard, as a failed lawyer who bitterly ended his career. Realizing that many of the criminals he had encountered had the skills but not the brains to rule the 'Gotham City' underworld, he started a new career as their leader.
As the Thinker, he sought new scientific devices to use including the 'Thinking Cap', a metal hat that could project mental force.
'The Machanic', aka 'Thomas "Pieface" Kalmaku', created by John Broome and Gil Kane, debuted in "Green Lantern" Vol. 2, #2 (Oct. 1960)... a young 'Inuit' mechanic at 'Ferris Aircraft'.
'Breacher', aka 'Quell Mordeth' was exposed to inter-dimensional energies., forcing him to live within a special suit. He can teleport between dimensions and bring others with him.
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