Thursday, November 30, 2017

"Supergirl: Reign"- More Footage

Take a look @ more new footage from the "Supergirl" mid-Season finale episode "Reign", written by Paula Yoo, Caitlin Parrish and directed by Glen Winter, airing December 4, 2017 on The CW:

"...'Supergirl' (Melissa Benoist) investigates a mysterious symbol popping up all over 'National City', tracing its origins back to an ancient prophecy...

"...and the mark of the 'World Killer' known as 'Reign' (Odetee Annable).

"Meanwhile, the tension between 'Lena' (Katie McGrath) and 'Morgan Edge' (Adrian Pasdar) continues to build, causing 'James' (Mehcad Brooks) to step in and offer up some protection...possibly igniting a spark in the process..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Supergirl: Reign"....