Monday, April 22, 2019

"Supergirl: American Dreamer" - New Footage

Take a look at the new "Supergirl" episode "American Dreamer", directed by David Harewood, airing April 28, 2019 on The CW:

" 'Kara' (Melissa Benoist) doggedly works as a reporter to clear the good name of 'Supergirl', new superhero 'Dreamer' (Nicole Maines) picks up the slack as the protector of 'National City', which leads to a showdown with 'Ben Lockwood' (Sam Witwer).

"Then 'James' (Mehcad Brooks) takes drastic measures to relieve his 'PTSD'..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Supergirl: American Dreamer"...