The next episode of the Vancouver-lensed TV series "Batwoman" is titled "Prior Criminal History", directed by Carl Seaton, airing January 24, 2021 on The CW:
"...after her quick spin in the 'Batgear', 'Ryan Wilder' (Javicia Leslie) is back to facing the daily challenges of life as herself. Meanwhile, 'Alice' (Rachel Skarsten) has a new, devious plan to get the attention of both 'Gotham' and 'Safiyah' (Shivaani Ghai).
"Now with 'Kate; still missing and the city in an uprising, 'Luke' (Camrus Johnson) and 'Mary' (Nicole Kang) are desperate to find a stand in. In a pinch, Ryan dons the suit again and comes face-to-face with Alice for the first time.
"Then back at 'Crows Headquarters', 'Sophie' and 'Commander Kane' try to uncover who may have had a vendetta against Kate..."
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