On May 23, Sneak Peek attended the Simon Fraser University (SFU) Alumni Association "Focus On Film" 2007 Annual Alumni Gathering & General Meeting, at the Vancouver International Film Centre and Vancity Theatre.
Following a catered reception, almost 200 SFU Alumni crowded the plush theatre of the Granville-area venue to hear about the recent cancellation of the University of British Columbia (UBC) film programme, the SFU film programme's upcoming move to the currently under construction, West Georgia/Abbott Street/Cordova block of the Woodwards building complex and the NBC Universal, $250,000 donation towards a state-of-the-art screening room at the new facility.
Following another reception, the crowd were then treated to a screening of several, 10-minute shorts, produced by SFU students.
Films included "23" by Andy Gavel/Alex Konves, "Woodward's" by Tony Massil, "Eastbound" by Rita Tse, "Win, Place Or Show" by Nathaniel Sullivan and "Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Laurynas Navidauskas.