"Trickster", the Canadian produced 'coming-of-age' Indigenous supernatural TV series, adapted from Eden Robinson's 2017 novel "Son of a Trickster" has been canceled by public broadcaster CBC after one season, following allegations against co-creator, episode director Michelle Latimer, who resigned from the show after falsely claiming to be "Indigenous':
"...the series follows 'Jared', an 'Indigenous Haisla' teenager and small-time drug dealer in Kitimat, British Columbia, who becomes increasingly aware of the magical events that seem to follow him..."
Questions surrounding Latimer's Indigenous identity claims came under scrutiny after a National Film Board news release said she was of "Algonquin, MĂ©tis and French heritage, from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg (Maniwaki), Que.," an Algonquin First Nation in Quebec, north of Ottawa.
Latimer's claimed Indigenous identity played a pivotal role in landing the "Trickster" series.
Latimer said she wrote a personal pitch letter to Robinson telling her the first novel was "medicine" and that the journey of the story's main character, 'Jared', "reminded me of where I come from and also where I had just been."
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