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The creative team behind the 20th Century Fox animated series "Broken Saints" have released their third 'mini-film' to promote Will Smith's "I Am Legend".
Approached by Smith's production company Overbrook Entertainment last year, "Saints" creators Ian Kirby and Brooke Burgess have been in production on the "Legend" animated shorts ever since.
Illustrated by Jason Chan, David Levy, Andrew West and written by Orson Scott Card, Mark Protosevich, the short films are designed to launch viewers into the film's universe.
"It's an incredible opportunity", said Kirby, who produces with Senior Animator Caleb Bouchard at his production/effects house Sequence in Gastown, Vancouver.
The animated shorts, ranging in length from 3-9 minutes, feature original music, sound design and voice talent.
An additional short is also being created for the DVD/Blu-Ray release of "Legend" in early 2008.