The next episode of The CW's "Arrow", titled "Identity", written by Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz is directed by Nick Copus, airing October 16, 2013:
"...'Oliver' (Stephen Amell) finds out the medicine that is being sent to 'Glades Memorial' is being hijacked by thieves. Without an influx of supplies, the hospital will close. 'Roy' (Colton Haynes) attempts to stop the thieves, but he fails and is arrested by 'Officer Lance' (Paul Blackthorne).
"Oliver gets into a heated battle with 'China White' (Kelly Hu) and her new partner, 'Ben Turner', AKA the 'Bronze Tiger' (Michael Jai White), over the supplies. Meanwhile, 'Laurel' (Katie Cassidy) makes plans to catch the Arrow and 'Thea' (Willa Holland) gives Roy an ultimatum..."
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